Acad. Todor Nikolov
professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences,
About me
Todor G.Nikolov Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria;
Date and Place of birth.
February 26, 1931, Varana village, Pleven Distr., Bulgaria
Professional Field
Paleontology and Stratigraphy, Regional Geology, Biological evolution, Global changes and the climates in the Earth’s History. Global problems of the Earth.
Education and Academic
MS, Geology (Sofia University, 1955); PhD, Geology and Mineralogy (Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1966); D.Sc., Geology and Mineralogy (Sofia University, 1984).
Professional employment
Research Geologist (Balkan Coal basin, 1955-57); Research Associate (Geological Institute, BAS, Sofia, 1957-68); Senior Research Scientist (Geological institute, BAS, Sofia, 1968-70); Professor, Paleontology and Stratigraphy (Sofia University, 1970-1996); Professor, Paleontology and Stratigraphy (Geological Institute, BAS, Sofia, 1996-2004); Guest Professor – Institute of Geography, BAS (2005-2009) Corresponding-Membre, Bulgrian Academy of Sciences (since 1984); Member (Academician) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 9since (1997) .
Honours and memberships to professional societies
Bulgarian Geolocal Society (since 1953); Member, Société Géologique de France (since 1968); Member, Association des géologues du bassin de Paris (since 1968); Member, Associés etrangers de la Société Géologique de France (since 1978); State Order”St.St. Ciril and Methody” (1982); State Order “St. Kliment Ohridski” (1988), Golden medal of Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, France (1994); Golden medal with band blue, Sofia University (1996). Doctor Honoris Causa, Université “Paul Sabatier”, Toulouse, France (1994); Honorary Member, Serbian Geological Society (2001); Honorary Member, Bulgarian Geological Society (2005); Honorary Medal “Marin Drinov”, Bulg. Acad. Sciences (2001); Member of the National Geographic Society (2007).
Membership in Scinetific Committees, Boards and Commissions
Member, Academic Council, Sofia University (1980-1989); Member, National Committee of Geology (1973-1992), President (since 1992-2009); Member, National Committee for IGCP (1975-1989); Member, National Commission of Stratigraphy (1967-1979), Vice-President (1979-1987), President (1987-2003); President, National Committee for scientific degrees – vice-minister (1987-1990); Chairman, National Council for scientific degrees in Geological Sciences – vice-minister (1995-1999); Member, Advisory Board of the National Scientific Foundation (1996-1999), Member of the Board of National Committee for scientific degrees (1995-1999), Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of sciences (2004-2012).
Editorial Boards
Editor, Fossilia bulgarica (since 1990); Journal of Nature (Priroda), Sofia (since 1985-2005); Editor- in-Chief, Review of the Bulg. Geological Society (1999-2000); Editor-in-Chief, Proceedings Bulg. Academy Sc. (since 2006).
Participations in International Congresses, Simposia
Colloque International sur le Crétacé inférieur, Lyon, France, 1963; VII-Congress, Carpatho-Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), Bulgaria, 1965; XIV-Congress CBGA, Bulgaria, 1989; International Symposium, Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary, Russia, 1967; International Cretaceous Symposium, Munster, Germany, 1979; 3rd International Symposium, The Cretaceous of the Western Tethys, Tubingen, Gremany, 1987; International Symposium Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary, Vladikavkaz, Russia, 1987; International Antartic Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 1988; First International Subregional Meeting on Geological Heritage in South-Eastern Europe, UNESCO, Sofia, 1995; Internatiojnal Conferences of Organization Innovations (ICOI), Fukuoka, Japan, 2018.
over 325 scientific publications including the following books: Biostratigraphy (1977); Les ammonites de la famille Berriaellidae Spath, 1922 (Tithonique superieur – Berriasien) (1982);The long Path of Life (1983);The Mediterranean Lower Cretaceous (1987); The Continents and Oceans – perpetual motion (1991); The Principles of Paleontology and Historical Geology (1996, 2002 – 2nd edition); Guide for firld research works in Paleontology and Stratigraphy (in coll. with M. Ivanov) (2000); Stratigraphic Code of Bulgaria (compil. and edit. In coll. with I. Sapunov) (2002). The Empire of the Dinosaurs (in coll. with Viara Minkovska) (2004); Principles of Paleontology and Historical Geology(4th edition – 1996, 2002, 2009 and 2013) and three books in coauthorships on the Petroleum Geology of Northern Bulgaria.
Main fields of geological interests and research activities
Paleontology and Stratigraphy; Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary; Lower Cretacous Stratigraphy and Ammonite Paleontology; taxonomy and evolution of Ammonites;the main principles of Stratigraphy; Sequence and Events Stratigraphy; Theory of evolution; Global changes and the climates in the Earth History, Field Petroleum Geology.
Select recent publications
The Bulgarian Early Cretaceous basin in the Tethys panorama (in coll. with Tz. Tzankov) (1998); Essai de corrélations séquentielles au Barrémien – Aptien dans un systhème extensif Plateforme – Bassin – Plateforme le long d’un transect Danube – Gabrovo (Bulgarie du Centre-Nord) (in coll. with M. Ivanov, B. Peybernes et al.) (1997); Enregistrement sédimentaire de la tectonique extensive et de l’eustatisme dans le Crétacé basal du Prébalkan central et oriental (Bulgarie) (in coll. with B. Peybernes et al.) (1998); Sequences de dépôt à l’articulation plate-forme/bassin (intervalle Barrémien-Albien) dans le Prébalkan Occidental (Bulgarie du Nord-Ouest) (in coll. with B. Peybernes, M. Ivanov et al.) (2000); Sur l’âge Tithonien-Berriasien du lithostratotype de la Formation Magura (anticlinal de Belogradchik, Prébalkan Occidental): implications paléogéographiques (in coll. with B. Peybernes, R. Ciszak, M. Durand Delga, M. Ivanov) (2001); Paleogegraphy and geodynamic evolution of the Balkanids and the Moesian microplate (Bulgaria) during earliest Cretaceous (in coll. with V. Minkovska and B. Peybernes) (2002); Plaeogeographic reconstruction of a segment of the North-Tethyan margin in Bulgaria from Barremian to Albian (in coll. with V. Minkovska, B. Peybernes and M. Ivanov) (2002); Analyse quantitative des facies carbonates et cycles T-R de haute frequence dans le Barremien du Prebalkan Central (Bulgarie) (in coll. with V. Minkovska, B. Peybernes, P. Cugny) (2004); Main features of the Lower Cretaceous in Bulgaria (in coll. with N. Ruskova, M. Ivanov, V. Minkovska ( 2007); Principles of Paleontology and Historical Geology(3rd edition) (2009).
Languages Bulgarian – native; French, English and Russian – fluent.
- Articles (2)
- Biographical articles (1)
- Scientific (1)
- Books (9)
- University textbooks (3)